Time: Approximately 4-8 hours before 12 AM
Events: Infernal creature of doom and destruction meanders, unbeknownst to this author, across the shin of said individual, with the sole intent of wreaking havoc upon her members. Having identified a prime location to inflict pain and distress, the aforementioned perpetrator sank its fangs into the tender flesh of its victim, thereby injecting potentially fatal venom into said flesh.
Description: 8 Legs, height: less than 1 inch, weight: light enough to tread upon human skin undetected, hair color: probably brown, personality characteristics: slightly reclusive, distinguishing marks:
Okay, now let's get down to business. I was minding my own goshdarned business yesterday, accomplishing stuff here & there, not causing any harm to anyone or anything. I was under the naive impression that nothing was conspiring to cause harm to me. Fool, that I am. I got into the shower last night & realized that my shin hurt something fierce. I reached down & felt a hard lump directly to the right of my right shin bone & realized that the pain was radiating down the leg into my ankle and that my skin was itching like nobody's business. I figured that I must of have scratched my leg at some point and during the course of my cleaning, got some chemical irritant into the scratch. I washed the area with soap & water, both of which were readily accessible in my shower. Having emerged, I noticed that the pain had not subsided,so I inspected the are much more closely. To my absolute and abject horror I discovered two puncture marks - fang holes, to be specific. At this point I developed several hypotheses as listed below:
1. I was bitten by a spider
2. I was bitten by a retarded pygmy vampire with no skill for identifying arteries
3. Two of my leg hairs spontaneously rebelled against my body and ripped themselves out, leaving gaping follicle holes and extensive nerve damage
I think you know which hypothesis I leaned towards, but having never even HEARD of pygmy vampires, I was forced to conclude that I had indeed been bitten by a spider. In my world, it's no small business to make a claim of arachnid invasion. I try very hard to believe the rationale that they are indeed more scared of me than I am of them, but for God's sake - they're vicious, carnivorous predators. Their brains are smaller than their venom glans - they don't have enough sense to be scared of me - their sole instinct is to KILL. And this particular demonoid did a darned good job of trying.
I thought about calling poison control, but considered the mockery if it turned out that I was overreacting (Perish the thought!). Instead, I decided to check my surroundings for visible offenders and then, go to sleep. You can imagine my relief when I woke up this morning decidedly not dead. And my growing fear at the continued discomfort at the scene of the crime. When I got to work, I alerted my coworkers that I had been bitten (after all, what if I was contagious?). Marty, Alan's mother told me that perhaps it was a brown recluse, and if so, I could expect the skin of my leg to die & be cut out by skilled medical professionals. Additionally, she informed me that these insidious critters haven't got the decency to build a web, so you know they're in the vicinity, rather they hide in innocuous little places - like YOUR CLOTHES. Follow this train of thought with me: poisonous spiders hide in your clothes and when they bite you your skin turns black and falls off of your body in blackened chunks. Anybody else panicking just a tad?! I did what any reasonable person would do: I googled "brown recluse bites." Do not repeat my error because you will never sleep again. I did, however, find out that oftentimes victims do not know that they've been bitten for roughly 4-8 hours - giving the vile minions of Satan plenty of time to escape. This should explain my irritation when I was asked, repeatedly "What did the spider look like?" I did not see my attacker. Anyway, when Doug found out that I had been bit, he suggested that I not pick at it because I might pick off my whole leg. These coworkers of mine are helpful, aren't they?
The long of the short of it is this: the swelling is going down, I have not developed any of the customary symptoms which leads me to conclude the following:
1. I was not bitten by a brown recluse, but some other version of hellish arachnid fury
2. I was bitten by a brown recluse, but really it was a baby brown recluse with a substantially unfortunate overbite
3. I was bitten by the village idiot brown recluse who gets made fun of by all the other recluses for his impotence - shooting venomous blanks.
When it's all said and done, I'm pretty glad I didn't die - graveyards are filled with creepy spiders.
Oh the horror that I live in the same house that you do and will never sleep again because of this blog. You just had to put a photo up, didn't you??
I really hope your shin gets better!
Yet, I would blame the dog for the bites on your legs. Why not? I blame her for everything else.
That was my first instinct as well, but her teeth are way too big for these puncture wounds.
I'm pretty glad that you didn't die, too.
Seriously, your entertainment writing is top notch. It's a perfect flow of witty dialogue, and your light-hearted tone with over-stated events is right on (not to say that getting bitten isn't freaky as all get-out, but you know what I mean). :D
Oh, I remember the days that I could whip up a story that was such an obvious testament to my intelligence like this one. Now I'm all 21 and stupid. Anywho, phew! I'm glad u ended up OK. If I were in that situation I would have overreacted, thus producing the very symptoms that I read are associated with recluse bites. "Do you feel a cold sweat?" "Yes! Oh no I'm dying!!" *Writes my will*. How do I know? It happened already. :3 Just... Check every garment of clothing you touch! :<
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