Saturday, October 11, 2008

Caution! Graphic Content

Sometimes when I can't sleep I read  I'll warn you ahead of time - it's not for the faint of conscience.  Crass, inappropriate and often insulting, is the least politically correct website I've ever seen.  It's like, but more honest... and it's hilarious.  Well, tonight I ran across a little ditty that revealed some of the worst dating sites on the web which ranged from inmates to crazies (they're for real, too), but the one that left me dumbfounded was a site intended for people afflicted with STDs.  I am in no way mocking those whose actions have rendered them plagued by, well, plagues - it's just that the author of the post noted that the vast majority of profiles on the STD site were of people who were insanely attractive.  I haven't verified his claim, but it occurred to me that there is a logical flow worth examining:

1.  Attractive people who are prone to promiscuity contract diseases at a higher rate than ugly people who can't find "partners."
2.  Many of these diseases can, if left untreated, result in sterility.
3.  If disease ridden lookers are left to mating each other, then it follows that at least one of the pair has a higher than average chance of being infertile.
4.  Attractive people are possibly procreating at a lesser frequency than the uglies
5.  Pretty genes are not propagating
6.  Promiscuity could be lowering the attractiveness of the human race exponentially

I can only conclude that if these trends continue, we will all be dog-butt ugly within two generations.  Therefore I implore pretty people: LOCK DOWN!

I need to go to sleep now, but not before I research the sexual appetites of smart people - if we become ugly & dumb there may very well be no hope for our future.

1 comment:

emily rose said...

okay, i haven't read your post yet...but i noticed that you have my friend steven on your blog list!! s.g. shaw!! that's awesome. have you been reading his stuff? just curious. he's a pretty smart kid. (and i really mean kid --- he's 22). also -- did you notice that somebody from tracy clicked from my blog to yours? hahaha this is great. we're famous...or something like that. love you.